2022: Asaf Augusto, Elisa Alves, Russell King & Jorge Malheiros

During the conference jury members decided unanimously that the winners of the Award were Asaf Augusto, Elisa Alves, Russell King & Jorge Malheiros, for their work on “Reciprocal migration: the coloniality of recent two-way migration links between Angola and Portugal.” The jury noted that the is “a highly innovative theoretical and empirical contribution to understand the reciprocal migrations between Angola and Portugal over the last 10-15 years. While migration is normally studied as a one-way street, this paper seeks to shed light on the reciprocity and dynamics of migration in a postcolonial setting which is a highly innovative approach. The empirical material is rich and very well presented and theory is established profoundly. Furthermore, the authors offer an insight into power relations behind these migrations, using and adapting the core-periphery theory.”

The Prize-certificate was handed to Asaf Augusto and Elisa Alves by Rinus Penninx in the name of the coordinator of IMISCOE and of the chief editor of the journal Comparative Migration Studies. 


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