
The Euro-Mediterranean Research Network on Migration is an independent interdisciplinary network of research institutions working on Mediterranean Migration in all its aspects (migration in the Mediterranean, across the Mediterranean, from and to the Mediterranean countries). It seeks to be a platform promoting multilateral knowledge production, promotion, and exchange. EuroMedMig is engaged with IMISCOE as an Association.

In July 2018, the Euro-Mediterranean Research Network on Migration (EuroMedMig) was launched during the 15th IMISCOE Annual Conference in Barcelona. Today, EuroMedMig is coordinated by prof. R. Zapata-Barrero (GRITIM-UPF) and prof. I. Awad (CMRS). The Steering Committee is composed of 19 researchers from all over the Mediterranean including: Algeria, Belgium, Egypt, Europe (EUI), Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, France, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Portugal, Spain, Norway, Netherlands, Tunisia and Turkey. It has received instutional support from The Union for the Mediterranean.

EuroMedMig would also like to be a forum and space for exchanges and networking. EuroMedMig has three main pillars of activities:

  • Research Excellence: EuroMedMig promotes Mediterranean migration studies and seeks to be a platform of researchers contributing to develop a Mediterranean migration research agenda with the participation of all the sides of the Mediterranean, and the interlink with other regions. It facilitates cross-disciplines approaches, innovative policy frameworks related to Mediterranean human mobilities, diversity management, and integration, geopolitical migration governance.
  • Advanced Training for postgraduate students, young researchers interested in Mediterranean migration studies under the form of thematic and methodological training courses and PhD schools. It also seeks to develop advanced learning to policy makers, social representatives, media, consultants and experts willing to specialise in Mediterranean Migration Studies and streamlining of migration in other areas and disciplines of Mediterranean studies.
  • Policy and Social Dialogues: fostering knowledge sharing, exchange and transfer to politicians, policy makers, civil society representatives, consultants, and experts. Promoting evidence-based policy and social dialogue among practitioners and stakeholders will allow to fill the gap between policy/political and social narratives, practices and outcomes in Mediterranean Migration issues.

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