Archived News and Events
Last lecture as a part of Research Forum “Diversifying Immigrant Societies in (East) Asia” by the Institute of East Asian Studies (IN-EAST) in the University of Duisburg-Essen. This forum is co-organized with collaborative research project QuaMaFA...
- Category: News
Deadline: 23.09.2024
We are thrilled to announce that the IMISCOE 2025 Annual Conference "Decentering Migration Studies" will tak place in Paris–Aubervilliers at the "Convergence Institutes" (ICM). The objective is to challenge conventional representations of the migration...
- Category: Network News

“Even the market next to the station was called Warsaw Market.” In this episode you’ll hear Louise Ryan interview Ivanna Kyliushyk about the situation of Ukrainian migrants in Poland, before and since the Russian Invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
- Category: Podcasts
Deadline: 16.09.2024
The Department for Migration and Globalisation (DEMIG) is proud to announce that it will host the IMISCOE 2025 Spring Conference in Krems between 17-19 March 2025. The call for papers can be found here . Event organised by: Department for Migration and...
- Category: Network News
We are happy to announce that the Annual Conference Portal is now online! The Annual Conference "Migration as a Social Construction: A Reflexive Turn" will take place in Lisbon and online, 2-5 July 2024. Find out more on the Conference Portal
- Category: Network News
The Institute for Advanced Social Studies (IESA), a unit of Spain’s Research Council (CSIC), invites suitable candidates to apply for a tenured position at the Institute. Eligible profiles comprise methodological innovations in research on challenges to...
- Category: Jobs & opportunities
It is our great pleasure to share with you the IMISCOE activity report for the year 2023. We hope that this report, while unavoidably reflecting only parts of the incredibly rich activities that our Network developed in 2023, will provide an indication...
- Category: Network News

Transnational families are families whose members are dispersed across two or more countries and who share a sense of collective familyhood across borders (Bryceson and Vuorela 2002). Doing family across borders is a growing form of family that has...
- Category: Blog - Migrant Transnationalism

The IMISCOE Network Office is happy to inform you that the 2023 Annual Report is now available. You can read it in full here . In this Report, you will find a full description of our governance and research infrastructure as well as a detailed account...

The IMISCOE Migration Podcast is wrapping up season 4. After a restructuring last year, our team became bigger and more international, and it is rewarding to see the result of our collaborative work! We are immensely grateful for all our 13 interviewers...