Archived News and Events
I found out about the IMISCOE PhD Network during the 15th annual IMISCOE conference in Barcelona. It wasn’t really clear to me what it was about.
- Category: PhD Blog
Studying nationalism and national identity has become an academic discipline in its own right. That is no surprise. Nationalism and national identity remain among the most relevant categories for organising daily life and therefore lend themselves to...
- Category: PhD Blog
Brazil and Europe’s control of refugee’s family migration
- Category: PhD Blog
IMISCOE’s Interactive research database brings publications, datasets and projects together under one roof. Here you can find relevant literature, data and other information structured according to the taxonomy of migration studies, which helps...
- Category: Research
The Executive Board supervises and advises the work of the coordinator and the Network Office and prepares meetings and decisions of the Board of Directors . The members of the Executive Board are nominated by the Board of Directors.
- Category: about IMISCOE
The Board of Directors represents the highest authority of the network and decides on the network structuring activities — the joint programme of activities, the allocating of funds and the financial accounting, any changes in the membership and...
- Category: about IMISCOE
The Board of Directors represents the highest authority of the network and decides on the network structuring activities — the joint programme of activities, the allocating of funds and the financial accounting, any changes in the membership and...
- Category: about IMISCOE

Migration and Inclusive Societies (MIS) conducts a wide range of research in the fields of humanities, behavioural sciences, education and social work, social sciences, geography, and architecture to understand change and to contribute to open and...
- Category: Member in Focus
IMISCOE encourages scholars from the network to explore new opportunities for research, collaboration and publications. Each year, IMISCOE announces its call for seed funding of research initiatives as a way of contributing to the development of new...
- Category: Network News
{expert}Fiona Seiger|483|2|{/expert} Production (currently on leave) Fiona is a sociologist by training who worked with women, children, and youth in Japan and the Philippines. She holds a PhD from the National University of Singapore. Her education and...
- Category: Information