
Opening Plenary: Migration as Social Construction: A Reflexive Turn

2 July 2024 18:00 to 20:00 WEST
Room: Grande Auditòrio
Streaming: Auditório Ferreira de Almeida (B2.03) & Auditório Juan Mozzicafreddo (B2.04)
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This opening plenary session will discuss the social processes through which (some) individuals on the move become socially transformed into migrants, how even some non-mobile individuals (descendants of migrants, for example) become categorized as migrants, and the way some people are categorized as illegal and irregular whilst other mobile citizens evade similar categorizations. The primary objective of the opening plenary session is to establish the context for the conference. In particular, this session, featuring three distinguished scholars from different geographies, seeks to delineate the core aspects the reflexive turn in migration studies.

Mary Boatemaa Setrana

Mary Boatemaa Setrana

University of Ghana, Ghana

Ettore Recchi


Sciences Po França

Anna Amelina

Anna Amelina

Brandenburg University of Technology, Germany